2024/11/26Nov. 2024, CANDAR! Xia gave a talk for SLAM software high-performance execution in CANDAR [Chenzhang Xia, Yuan Wang, and Koji Inoue, “Multithreaded Edge-Assisted Visual SLAM with Keyframe Backup Mechanism,” The Twelfth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), pp.1-6, Nov. 2024.]
2024/11/16Nov. 2024, MICRO! We gave a talk for our quantum computer research in MICRO.[Junhyuk Choi, Ilkwon Byun, Juwon Hong, Dongmoon Min, Junpyo Kim, Jungmin Cho, Hyeonseong Jeong, Masamitsu Tanaka, Koji Inoue, and Jangwoo Kim, SuperCore: An Ultra-Fast Superconducting Processor For Cryogenic Applications]
2024/09/14Sep. 2024, QCE! Yuki gave a talk for superconductor circuit for cryogenic quantum computers in QCE [Yuki Matsumoto, Teruo Tanimoto, Masamitsu Tanaka, and Takatsugu Ono, “Low-Power Half-Flux-Quantum based Counter Circuits for Cryogenic Quantum Computers,” IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, pp.1007-1013, Sept. 2024.]
2024/05/15We have managed “U.S.-Japan Collaborative Workshop: Accelerating IC Design [Phase II],” with University of Michigan!
2024/04/04CPC Lab. FY2024, we have a lot of new members, welcome!
2023/12/11We visited the High Performance Computer System (HPCS) Lab. at Seoul National University and held a workshop on cryogenic computing and quantum computing! The students also had a technical exchange meeting with each other, making it a meaningful visit.
2023/06/17Our research for Quantum Computer has been presented at ISCA. This is a corroborative work driven by Seoul National University, Korea. [Dongmoon Min et al., XQsim: Modeling Cross-Technology Control Processors for 10+K Qubit Quantum Computers]
2023/05/06Koji gave a talk on classical and quantum superconductor computing at the IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems (COOL Chips 26).
2023/04/03CPC Lab. group photo, 2023!